From sizing to experimental validation of traction/braking systems
TACV Lab is structured to design and validate U-linear motor propulsion systems (U-LIM) for special applications such as linear boosters, very high acceleration launchers and very high-power linear brakes.
- The transfer of a historical and unique French know-how, resulting from several years of research and experimental validations, in the calculation and sizing, technology and design, of high-power U-shaped linear motors, associated with innovative power converter topologies, in a speed range of up to 300km/h.
- A unique test center in the world for the development and validation of full-scale linear motors, powered by their powertrains and safety braking system, equipped with track-vehicle interfaces, and guidance system.
- Design and validation of booster-launcher systems using a linear motor powertrain for special applications.
Une technologie de moteur linéaire compacte et puissante
The U-shaped engine (« U-LIM ») was patented by engineer Jean GUIMBAL in 1974, it demonstrated exceptional traction performance in terms of Power/Mass ratio, efficiency and power factor (test ratios at 500kW-180km/h in 1979, and 800kW-300km/h in 1984).
Gérard COQUERY, co-founding member of TACV Lab was with Jean Pierre PASCAL, one of the pillars of the development of this technology.

This type of linear motor offers the highest thrust-to-weight and power-to-weight ratios, which are decisive criteria for motors in magnetic levitation or air-cushion systems.
Thanks to its compact inductor (without coil head) and electromagnetic display, the U-LIM offers the highest power factor and level of efficiency, with a low amount of copper and magnetic sheet.
Several prototypes of these U-LIM machines have been tested and validated on a full-size Grenoble wheel (6 meters), reaching a speed of 300 km/h for a power of 1 MW.